A Fake Tester’s Journey – eBook

title_page“A Fake Tester’s Journey” is an eBook by Testing Circus team. Testing Circus magazine has been running a regular column in the magazine with the same name from more than two years now. It has been one of the most popular column in the magazine. The writer Fake Software Tester describes his journey from being recruited as a software tester to the various stages he passes through in his life being a tester. He exposes the fake practices in software testing projects and organizations. I am sure all of you testers might have faced similar situation as the protagonist in the story.

The eBook is being published as PFD, Epub and Mobi files suitable for all kinds of desktop and mobile devices. The book can be purchased from Leanpub with a price. However, you can get it free if you are a subscriber of Testing Circus magazine.

Have a look at the preview of the book. I am sure you will love this eBook and you can get it free too. Don’t forget to subscribe Testing Circus magazine.

Here is the link to “A Fake Tester’s Journey – eBook